Alexia St James
If you don't know who Alexia St James is, then you have never been to Xhamster. She is the #1 Trans Channel on Xhamster for a solo performer at #19 overall. The only channels ahead of her are big studios. She bests all other trans performers. She has been cranking out a real amateur sex video once a month for about 10 years. She was one of the largest catalogs of any trans performer in the business. She does all her stuff herself. She has never done a video with a pro company, because she doesn't need to.
Alexia Review
"I contacted Marina and she suggested a pair in Color 3 for me, they were a large D or a Smaller E. They size is great. The color is a little darker than I am right now, but should be perfect when I am tan. I am looking forward to taking new pics and videos with my new boobs. I received them in a plain box in 2 days. Check out my website for the new videos. (this promotion was approved) Alexia St James"